
I will tell you about the activity of the talent belonging to Free Wave

Emil R is in Momoiro Clover Z Music Video!

Tuesday April 9th, 2013

A Swedish model “Emil R” is in Momoiro Clover Z “BIRTH Ø BIRTH” Music Video! Check this out on youtube! モデル部門担…

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Bali Dance Team performed at East 21 in Toyocho!

Monday April 8th, 2013

バリ舞踊チーム『ウィヤリヒタ』が東陽町イースト21のイベントに出演しました! バリ島の神々に捧げるために踊られてきたバリ舞踊。 神秘的なオーラに包まれたダンサーたちの、しなやかでありながら力強い動きは、まるで大地のエネル…

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Maria P is in UNIQLO web catalog!

Maria P is in UNIQLO “special size” web catalog!

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HERE’S GIRLが表参道、池袋に出没!!

Friday April 5th, 2013

3/15.16、HERE’S GIRLが表参道、池袋に出没! 弊社外国人モデル、とってもキュートなアンドレアがHERE’S GIRLとなって街をかっこよくウォーキングしておりますーー! プロモーシ…

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OLD NAVYバス 横浜走行中!

Thursday April 4th, 2013

弊社外国人モデルたちを乗せたバスが横浜を 廻っております! 見かけたら手振って下さいね! クーポン券もサンプリング中!!

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About 100 Free Wave’s extras are now in SUNTORY new CM!

About 100 Free Wave’s extras are now in SUNTORY “GRAN DRY” TVCM with world-famous Ken Watana…

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Jazz band[Gli Accademia] performed at Aeon Mall Tsukuba!

Wednesday April 3rd, 2013

Keyboard, Violin, Sax Jazz trio  [Gli Accademia] and 3 guitars Mexico music [Loss Amigos Mariachi]  performed …

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Tuesday April 2nd, 2013

4 sexy dancers appeared in  Nihon TV’s “Trick Hunter” with Japanese Talen t “Ken Shimu…

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Free Wave’s Extras are now in Dolce Time TVCM!

Free Wave’s Extras are now in Dolce Time TVCM! Let’s just have Dolce Time and feel Italy together!…

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Monday April 1st, 2013

ジュネーブで開催された国際モーターショー2013。「トヨタブース」でのプレゼンテーションでは、フリーウエイブの外国人ダンサー&日本人ダンサー が日本から参加・出演しました。 超小型2人乗り電気自動車(EV)のコン…

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A professional agency with a variety of international models,
and talent.

Our narration division works with narrators from around the world. Our narrators appear on more than 30 NHK programs as regular cast members and our consistent record of booking high-grade narrators is much appreciated by NHK. For international talent, contact Free Wave. We respond to our clients' needs by fully utilizing our industry-leading network of global human resources.

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  • Business Hours Weekdays 10: 30 - 19: 30 03-6453-2744 FAX:03-6453-2743Business Hours Weekdays 10: 30 - 19: 30 03-6453-2744 FAX:03-6453-2743