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(Japanese) 「The Benza」がAsia South East-Short Film Festivalのベストコメディ賞受賞! PR-TIMESなどに掲載!

Wednesday June 13th, 2018

以前よりブログでご紹介している 外国人モデルで俳優の、クリス・マッコームス主宰Tokyo cowboys最新映画「The Benza」! 国内の「うんこ映画祭」の最優秀賞に引き続き、今回はなんと! ベトナムで開催された国…

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[For Models] Free Wave is Inviting 24 People to the 2018 DRUM TAO Show “MANGEKYO”

Thursday June 7th, 2018

Free Wave is happy to present you with a news for our models. Have you heard of an entertainment group called …

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(Japanese) 外国人モデル事務所フリー・ウエイブ、WEBサイトリニューアルしました!

Thursday May 31st, 2018

外国人モデル事務所フリー・ウエイブ、公式サイトをリニューアルいたしました! 万が一、お問い合わせ時に不具合などがございましたら、 大変お手数ですが、お電話かメールにて直接ご連絡をいただけますと幸いです。 T…

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Tuesday May 7th, 2013


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A professional agency with a variety of international models,
and talent.

Our narration division works with narrators from around the world. Our narrators appear on more than 30 NHK programs as regular cast members and our consistent record of booking high-grade narrators is much appreciated by NHK. For international talent, contact Free Wave. We respond to our clients' needs by fully utilizing our industry-leading network of global human resources.

  • 24 hour receptionist Casting request is here Inquiry by email24 hour receptionist Casting request is here Inquiry by email
  • Business Hours Weekdays 10: 30 - 19: 30 03-6453-2744 FAX:03-6453-2743Business Hours Weekdays 10: 30 - 19: 30 03-6453-2744 FAX:03-6453-2743